Become More Assertive

Stand tall and speak up with affirmations that bolster assertiveness.

List of Affirmations

  1. I freely express my opinions.
  2. I assertively assert my boundaries.
  3. I am steadfast in standing up for my beliefs.
  4. I maintain calm and confidence when speaking.
  5. I am assertive in expressing my thoughts and feelings.
  6. I make decisions with ease and self assurance.
  7. I handle confrontations with ease.
  8. I take control of situations when necessary.
  9. People respect my assertiveness.
  10. I am naturally calm, confident, and relaxed.
  11. I am strong and capable of overcoming any challenge.
  12. I command respect through my confident demeanor.
  13. I am confident in speaking to anyone.
  14. I am self assured in all I do.
  15. I speak confidently when expressing myself.

Number of Affirmations

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