Enjoy your pregnancy

Embrace motherhood's magic, cherishing each prenatal heartbeat.

List of Affirmations

  1. I am a powerful, loving, and creative being.
  2. I have the resources to take care of my baby.
  3. I am at peace with my body.
  4. I love my body.
  5. I am nourishing my baby.
  6. My body knows what to do exactly.
  7. I have a natural ability to give birth easily.
  8. I am ready to love my little one.
  9. I am here for my baby.
  10. My baby knows how to be born.
  11. I believe in myself and my baby.
  12. I am good enough.
  13. I am ready to be a mother.
  14. I trust the divine development of my baby.
  15. I deserve and receive all the love and support I need.

Number of Affirmations


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