Enhance Common Sense

Hone intuition and judgment to make wise choices in everyday situations.

List of Affirmations

  1. I trust my inner wisdom and gut instincts.
  2. I make informed and intelligent choices.
  3. I am self assured in my decisions.
  4. I am wise and judicious in my actions.
  5. I am adept at finding solutions to problems.
  6. I am resourceful and inventive in finding answers.
  7. I am open to new and diverse perspectives.
  8. I am eager to learn and expand my knowledge.
  9. I am flexible and adaptable to change.
  10. I am strong and unyielding in the face of adversity.
  11. I am level headed and composed in difficult situations.
  12. I am thoughtful and considerate in my approach.
  13. I am analytical and logical in my thinking.
  14. I am objective and unbiased in my evaluations.
  15. I am decisive and assertive in my actions.

Number of Affirmations


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