Love your body

Celebrate your form, reveling in the body's every curve and edge.

List of Affirmations

  1. I take the time to take care of my body.
  2. I have my own unique style that I love.
  3. I am worthy of a healthy and fit body.
  4. My body is healthier every day.
  5. I am loved.
  6. My body is a vehicle for my greatness.
  7. I think positive thoughts.
  8. I love and accept my body completely.
  9. My body is strong and evolving.
  10. I deserve to be confident in my body.
  11. I love my body because it's mine.
  12. I live the life of my dreams
  13. I have all the resources I need to keep my body healthy.
  14. I love my body as it is today.
  15. My body is strong and resilient.

Number of Affirmations


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