Safety Concerns

Navigate the world with a heightened sense of security and awareness.

List of Affirmations

  1. I am safe and protected always.
  2. The world supports and loves me.
  3. I am surrounded by loving energy.
  4. My home is my secure haven.
  5. I am loved, and it makes me feel strong.
  6. I trust the world around me.
  7. Every day, I am surrounded by love and kindness.
  8. I am important and deserve to feel safe.
  9. My feelings are valid and understood.
  10. My family and friends are always there for me.
  11. I am brave and can handle anything.
  12. My guardian angels watch over me.
  13. I am cared for and cherished.
  14. My inner strength keeps me safe.
  15. I am always in the right place at the right time.

Number of Affirmations


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