Tablet addiction

Strike a balance between digital engagement and offline experiences.

List of Affirmations

  1. The world outside is brighter than any screen.
  2. I find joy in the real world.
  3. My imagination grows when I explore offline.
  4. Nature calls me to discover its wonders.
  5. I choose books and toys over screens today.
  6. Real adventures await me beyond the screen.
  7. My creativity shines when I’m unplugged.
  8. I have the power to control my screen time.
  9. I am more than my online life.
  10. The real world offers endless opportunities for fun.
  11. My hands are made for crafting, not just swiping.
  12. Face to face connections mean more to me.
  13. I am present in every offline moment.
  14. The best memories are made offline.
  15. My eyes and mind need a break from screens.

Number of Affirmations


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