Predictably Irrational

Navigate the complexities of human decisions and their unexpected patterns.

List of Affirmations

  1. I make decisions based on logic and understanding.
  2. I am aware of my biases and work to overcome them.
  3. Every day, I strive for clearer thinking.
  4. I recognize the power of emotions and ensure they aid, not hinder, my decisions.
  5. I am in control of my choices and actions.
  6. I understand the value of things beyond just their price.
  7. I constantly seek knowledge to make informed choices.
  8. I am not swayed by irrelevant comparisons.
  9. I remain grounded, even in the face of temptation.
  10. I recognize and resist the pull of societal norms that don't serve me.
  11. I focus on long term benefits rather than short term gains.
  12. My decisions are a reflection of my true self.
  13. I embrace the unpredictability of life and adjust accordingly.
  14. I learn from my mistakes and grow stronger.
  15. I am open to revisiting my decisions and adapting when necessary.

Number of Affirmations


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