Attitude of Gratitude

Cultivate a thankful heart, amplifying abundance and joy in life.

List of Affirmations

  1. I appreciate my health and well being.
  2. I appreciate my loved ones' love and support.
  3. I appreciate life's opportunities and abundance.
  4. I appreciate my ability to learn and grow.
  5. I appreciate my job and income.
  6. I appreciate nature's beauty.
  7. I appreciate my ability to make a positive impact.
  8. I appreciate my talents and abilities.
  9. I appreciate my home and roof.
  10. I appreciate my ability to overcome challenges.
  11. I appreciate life's small joys.
  12. I appreciate my ability to find happiness within.
  13. I appreciate strangers' kindness.
  14. I appreciate having food on my table.
  15. I appreciate my freedom to live as I choose.

Number of Affirmations


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