How to Win Friends _ Influence People

Master the art of interpersonal skills and the essence of genuine influence.

List of Affirmations

  1. I cherish the good in everyone I meet.
  2. I seek to understand before being understood.
  3. My appreciation for others is genuine and heartfelt.
  4. I find joy in discovering what others desire and need.
  5. My smile is a beacon of warmth and sincerity.
  6. I remember names, for they are the gateway to personal connections.
  7. I listen deeply and attentively.
  8. I engage others with genuine interest in their stories.
  9. I see the worth in every individual.
  10. I avoid conflicts by seeking common ground.
  11. I respect all opinions, even if I disagree.
  12. When I'm wrong, I admit it with grace and humility.
  13. All my interactions start with a positive intent.
  14. I seek agreement and collaboration in discussions.
  15. I value the perspectives and inputs of others.

Number of Affirmations


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