Wing Chun Training

Hone close-combat skills, mastering the traditional Chinese art of Wing Chun.

List of Affirmations

  1. Wing Chun makes me more adaptable.
  2. I trust my Wing Chun skills and ability to defend myself.
  3. I maintain balance and stability.
  4. Wing Chun makes me more mindful.
  5. Wing Chun makes me more confident.
  6. Wing Chun makes me the best version of myself.
  7. I am strong.
  8. Wing Chun makes me more flexible.
  9. I am dedicated to improving.
  10. Wing Chun helps me think and make decisions quickly.
  11. I trust my Wing Chun abilities.
  12. I am proud of my progress.
  13. I stay focused and centered during Wing Chun.
  14. Wing Chun makes me more patient.
  15. Wing Chun makes me more efficient in movements.

Number of Affirmations


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