Deliberate Living

Live intentionally, making conscious choices in alignment with your purpose.

List of Affirmations

  1. I stay focused on the present.
  2. I welcome and adapt to change with open arms.
  3. I let go of perfection and accept reality.
  4. I show appreciation for all that I have.
  5. I make a conscious effort to see positivity.
  6. I am aware of my thoughts and actions.
  7. I release my fear and trust life.
  8. I am honest and true to myself.
  9. I keep things simple and minimize complexity.
  10. I live with intention and a clear sense of purpose.
  11. I achieve equilibrium in all aspects of my life.
  12. I let go of judgment and criticism.
  13. I learn to love and accept myself whole heartedly.
  14. I surrender control and trust in the natural flow of life.
  15. I embrace and learn from my mistakes and imperfections.

Number of Affirmations


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