Positive Self Talk

Engage in uplifting self-dialogue, feeding the soul with kindness.

List of Affirmations

  1. I always have a positive outlook in life.
  2. I have full faith in myself.
  3. I choose to focus on my strengths.
  4. I harness the power of positive affirmations.
  5. I communicate effectively with my own mind.
  6. I possess great inner strength.
  7. I practice positive self talk to build confidence within myself.
  8. I am determined to eliminate negative thoughts
  9. I show kindness to myself.
  10. I choose to see the best in me.
  11. I regularly repeat uplifting phrases.
  12. I always appreciate the good in my life.
  13. I refuse to compare myself to others
  14. I trust that positive self talk will enhance my self esteem
  15. I refuse to limit myself to negative phrases

Number of Affirmations


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