Smile More

Let joy shine through, turning moments into smiles.

List of Affirmations

  1. The more I smile the lighter my challenges are.
  2. More smiles are beginning to seem effortless and natural.
  3. It feels more natural to smile and be joyful every day.
  4. The way I feel is changing as I smile.
  5. I show everyone how grateful I am through my smile.
  6. My smile and upbeat attitude make others want to be around me.
  7. I will always show my happiness to the world
  8. I greet everyone with a smile.
  9. I'm a person who is happy and smiling all the time.
  10. I smile and it brightens the space.
  11. I make other people smile when I smile.
  12. My smile is beautiful.
  13. One of my best features is my smile.
  14. I appear to feel happy as I smile more.
  15. My smile shines and brightens the day.

Number of Affirmations


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