Rising Strong

Learn the art of resilience, growth, and thriving against adversities.

List of Affirmations

  1. I embrace vulnerability as a strength.
  2. I own my story, no matter how imperfect.
  3. Every setback paves the way for a comeback.
  4. My authenticity is my greatest asset.
  5. I am not defined by my failures.
  6. I have the courage to rise after every fall.
  7. My story matters and is worth telling.
  8. Emotions are a part of my journey, and I honor them.
  9. I am resilient, brave, and powerful.
  10. I seek understanding, even in moments of pain.
  11. I am worthy of love and belonging.
  12. Growth comes from my moments of discomfort.
  13. My vulnerability is the path to true connection.
  14. I believe in my ability to overcome.
  15. My strength is forged in moments of adversity.

Number of Affirmations


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