The power of habit

Understand the mechanics of habits and how they shape our lives and futures.

List of Affirmations

  1. I have the power to change any habit.
  2. Every habit starts with a simple cue.
  3. I consciously recognize the cues that trigger my habits.
  4. I am in control of the routines in my life.
  5. Every reward I seek is within my reach.
  6. I am proactive in reshaping my habits.
  7. I create productive routines that lead to success.
  8. I choose actions that align with my values.
  9. I celebrate the small victories in my habit loop.
  10. Every day, I get better at recognizing and modifying my habits.
  11. I am patient with myself as I forge new paths.
  12. I value the power of community in changing habits.
  13. I seek out positive influences to reinforce my desired habits.
  14. I believe in the power of my will to overcome challenges.
  15. I prioritize habits that elevate my well being.

Number of Affirmations


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