The War of Art_

Overcome internal barriers to unleash your creativity and artistic spirit.

List of Affirmations

  1. I embrace my inner artist every day.
  2. Resistance is a sign that I'm moving in the right direction.
  3. Every challenge I face propels me closer to my authentic self.
  4. I am dedicated to my craft, consistently pushing boundaries.
  5. Today, I choose creativity over stagnation.
  6. I am worthy of success and fulfillment.
  7. Every obstacle is an opportunity for growth.
  8. I am in control of my actions and attitudes.
  9. My commitment to my passion is unwavering.
  10. I thrive in the face of adversity.
  11. My potential is limitless.
  12. I turn pro in my pursuits, showing up every day.
  13. My passion and drive define me, not external judgments.
  14. I conquer my fears and transform them into strength.
  15. Every moment of creation brings me closer to my higher self.

Number of Affirmations


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