
Rediscover and embrace the wild authenticity of one's true self.

List of Affirmations

  1. I am more than my thoughts and emotions.
  2. Every moment is an opportunity to be present.
  3. I embrace the flow of life with an open heart.
  4. I release past pain and embrace the present moment.
  5. My inner peace is undisturbed by external events.
  6. I am on a journey of self discovery and inner freedom.
  7. I choose to let go of limiting beliefs.
  8. My consciousness expands with each breath.
  9. I am connected to the boundless energy of the universe.
  10. I embrace change as a path to growth.
  11. My true self is always calm, always at peace.
  12. I am the observer, watching my life unfold.
  13. I am free from the chains of past experiences.
  14. Every challenge is an opportunity for spiritual growth.
  15. I release my need for control and trust the universe.

Number of Affirmations

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