Getting Things Done

Streamline tasks and achieve clarity, productivity, and stress-free results.

List of Affirmations

  1. I capture every task and free my mind.
  2. My productivity flows from clarity and organization.
  3. Every idea is safely noted, ensuring I never miss a beat.
  4. I prioritize tasks effectively, leading to stress free productivity.
  5. My systems support and amplify my goals.
  6. I am in control of my time and tasks.
  7. Breaking tasks down makes them achievable and less daunting.
  8. Regular reviews keep me aligned with my priorities.
  9. I trust my system, which allows me to be present in the moment.
  10. Every task has its place and time.
  11. I am the master of my workflow.
  12. Clearing my mind boosts my creativity and focus.
  13. I am proactive, addressing tasks before they become urgent.
  14. My mind is calm, knowing everything is in order.
  15. Taking consistent action propels me forward.

Number of Affirmations


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