Tao Te Ching

Delve into ancient Chinese wisdom on simplicity, patience, and compassion.

List of Affirmations

  1. I flow with life like water, effortlessly adapting to every situation.
  2. By embracing the Tao, I find peace and balance in all things.
  3. I lead with humility and serve with compassion.
  4. In silence, I discover the profound wisdom of the universe.
  5. I understand that true strength lies in gentleness.
  6. I am one with nature and all living things.
  7. By doing less, I achieve more.
  8. I respect the mystery and power of the Tao.
  9. I move with the natural rhythm of life.
  10. In simplicity, I find clarity and purpose.
  11. I cultivate inner stillness, even amidst outer chaos.
  12. I cherish humility and remain grounded in all circumstances.
  13. I practice patience, understanding that everything unfolds in its own time.
  14. By letting go, I gain everything.
  15. I embody the virtue of Te in my thoughts, words, and actions.

Number of Affirmations


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