The Tipping Point

Understand how small changes can create a massive societal impact.

List of Affirmations

  1. Small actions create big ripples.
  2. I believe in the power of the little things.
  3. Every change I make has the potential to create a wave.
  4. I am an influencer in my own unique way.
  5. I seek and understand the moments of transformation.
  6. My efforts, however small, have value and impact.
  7. I recognize the significance of the tipping points in my life.
  8. Every interaction is an opportunity to make a difference.
  9. I believe in the contagious nature of positive energy.
  10. My actions today can shape the world tomorrow.
  11. I value the connectors, mavens, and salesmen in my life.
  12. I seek to be the change I want to see in the world.
  13. I understand the power of word of mouth.
  14. Small seeds of action can grow into mighty trees of change.
  15. I am a part of a powerful network of change makers.

Number of Affirmations


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