Psycho-Cybernetics Deluxe Edition

Reprogram your self-image to cultivate success and positive habits.

List of Affirmations

  1. My self image is positive, strong, and secure.
  2. Every day, I am becoming the best version of myself.
  3. I visualize my goals and see them coming to fruition.
  4. My mind is a powerful tool for creating success.
  5. I am capable of achieving everything I set out to do.
  6. Mistakes are stepping stones to my success.
  7. My potential is unlimited.
  8. I believe in my abilities and strengths.
  9. Positive thoughts shape my destiny.
  10. Every challenge is an opportunity for growth.
  11. I am deserving of happiness, success, and fulfillment.
  12. My past does not define me; I focus on the present and future.
  13. I trust in my inner guidance and intuition.
  14. I attract positive experiences and outcomes.
  15. I replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones.

Number of Affirmations


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