The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Build foundational habits that lead to effectiveness in personal and public life.

List of Affirmations

  1. I am always proactive in my thoughts and actions.
  2. I always start with a clear vision in mind.
  3. I always prioritize what's truly important.
  4. I always think Win win.
  5. I always listen first, ensuring I understand before seeking to be understood.
  6. I always believe in the power of synergy and collaboration.
  7. I always take time to renew and better myself.
  8. Every experience enriches my journey.
  9. I am a beacon of positivity and strength.
  10. Challenges strengthen my character.
  11. I am constantly evolving and growing.
  12. My potential is limitless.
  13. I trust the journey and embrace every lesson.
  14. My actions today shape my tomorrow.
  15. Every day is a new opportunity to live my best life.

Number of Affirmations


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