Zero to One

Grasp the essence of creating value in a startup, from niche to monopoly.

List of Affirmations

  1. I believe in the power of original ideas.
  2. Every day is an opportunity to innovate and create.
  3. I embrace challenges as they lead to unparalleled growth.
  4. My vision for the future is bold and bright.
  5. I have the ability to turn groundbreaking ideas into reality.
  6. Thinking differently is my greatest strength.
  7. I see potential where others see limits.
  8. I am a pioneer, forging new paths and solutions.
  9. My perspective is unique, and it adds value to the world.
  10. I have the courage to challenge the status quo.
  11. Every setback is a stepping stone to unparalleled innovation.
  12. I trust my instincts and insights.
  13. I am capable of reshaping industries and creating value.
  14. I am not bound by what exists; I envision what could be.
  15. My mind is open to the infinite possibilities of the future.

Number of Affirmations

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