The Slight Edge

Tap into the compounding power of small daily decisions and actions.

List of Affirmations

  1. I take small steps every day toward my goals.
  2. Consistency is the key to my success.
  3. Every little action I take accumulates over time.
  4. I value progress over perfection.
  5. My daily habits shape my destiny.
  6. Simple disciplines, practiced daily, lead to success.
  7. Every choice I make has a compound effect.
  8. I prioritize actions that move me closer to my dreams.
  9. My success is found in my daily routine.
  10. By being consistent, I achieve greatness.
  11. Every day, I make choices that benefit my future self.
  12. I practice patience and trust the process.
  13. My actions, no matter how small, make a difference.
  14. Today's efforts will yield tomorrow's results.
  15. The path to success is paved with daily disciplines.

Number of Affirmations


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