Fear of being in crowds

Navigate masses with ease, feeling a sense of belonging.

List of Affirmations

  1. I am confident in navigating crowded spaces.
  2. I trust in my ability to stay safe in crowds.
  3. I control my own safety and well being.
  4. I handle feelings of anxiety.
  5. I am surrounded by people who care about me.
  6. I can relax in crowded spaces.
  7. I am strong and can overcome fear.
  8. I take steps for my safety.
  9. I let go of fear to control my actions.
  10. I can assert my boundaries.
  11. I have people who will help me.
  12. I trust my instincts.
  13. I am safe and believe in myself.
  14. I can stay present in crowded spaces.
  15. I am strong and can handle situations.

Number of Affirmations


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