Fear of Public Speaking

Command the stage, connecting with every listener.

List of Affirmations

  1. I am confident speaking in public.
  2. I trust my knowledge and expertise.
  3. I can overcome nerves and anxiety.
  4. I focus on delivering my message.
  5. I am loved and supported.
  6. I control my thoughts and emotions.
  7. I am a capable and competent speaker.
  8. My fear is temporary and will pass.
  9. I am proud of facing my fear and sharing my message.
  10. I can overcome this fear.
  11. I can connect with my audience and deliver my message effectively.
  12. I am confident in handling any situation that arises during my speech.
  13. Many successful people have overcome this fear.
  14. I think positively and trust in the process.
  15. The speech will be over quickly.

Number of Affirmations


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