Overcome Agoraphobia

Step out with confidence, savoring the world's vast expanse.

List of Affirmations

  1. Open spaces feel secure to me
  2. I have the freedom to go anywhere
  3. I feel confident in public settings
  4. Being in public is enjoyable
  5. I will find relaxation when I am outside
  6. I feel safe in public places
  7. Others see me as serene
  8. I feel safe in public spaces
  9. Easing my mind comes easily to me
  10. I am becoming more self assured and relaxed
  11. Meeting new people is enjoyable
  12. I will relish meeting new people
  13. I will embrace leaving my house
  14. I find pleasure in being in public places
  15. I will easily find tranquility while waiting in lines

Number of Affirmations


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