Fear of dogs

Foster love for canines, seeing their loyalty and gentleness.

List of Affirmations

  1. Being around canines instills a sense of security in me.
  2. Canines are both safe and sociable.
  3. Canines possess a friendly disposition.
  4. Canines seem to naturally take a liking to me.
  5. Dogs bring me comfort and companionship.
  6. Dogs bring me joy and happiness.
  7. Dogs enhance my life in many ways.
  8. Dogs seem to take a liking to me.
  9. Having a dog as a companion would bring me great happiness.
  10. I am aware that dogs are friendly
  11. I am calm and at peace around dogs.
  12. I am capable of overcoming any fear I have of dogs.
  13. I am cognizant of the fact that dogs can protect people.
  14. I am composed when in the presence of dogs.
  15. I am confident in my ability to interact with dogs safely.

Number of Affirmations


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