Fear of Blood

Approach blood calmly, focusing on life's vital essence.

List of Affirmations

  1. I am confident and can overcome fear of blood.
  2. I recognize that the blood in movies is just special effects.
  3. I am grateful for medical professionals.
  4. I hold a deep reverence for blood.
  5. I am completely comfortable around blood.
  6. I approach the topic of blood with rational thinking.
  7. I trust in my abilities.
  8. I trust my body's healing.
  9. I am brave in the face of fear of blood.
  10. I see blood as natural and necessary.
  11. I think rationally and logically around blood.
  12. Handling blood is a routine task for me.
  13. I surround myself with positivity and support.
  14. Blood is essential for my well being and vitality.
  15. I am at ease around blood.

Number of Affirmations


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