Overcome Gossip Addiction

Prioritize authentic conversations, distancing from idle chatter.

List of Affirmations

  1. I make the choice to speak positively of others.
  2. I am determined to be respectful.
  3. I believe in the strength of kindness.
  4. I am entitled to respect and trust.
  5. I relinquish the desire to gossip.
  6. I am content with who I am.
  7. I opt for integrity in my words.
  8. I have the ability to change.
  9. I hold my relationships in high regard.
  10. I am powerful and enduring.
  11. I am responsible for my words.
  12. I have the capability to speak kindly.
  13. I choose to abandon harmful talk.
  14. I am complete without gossiping.
  15. I relinquish the desire to talk negatively about others.

Number of Affirmations


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