Overcome Netflix Addiction

Engage in diverse activities, balancing screen time with reality.

List of Affirmations

  1. I prioritize self care and balance in my Netflix viewing habits.
  2. I am in control of my Netflix consumption.
  3. I enjoy Netflix without neglecting my daily responsibilities.
  4. I find joy in activities besides Netflix.
  5. I limit Netflix usage to a healthy amount.
  6. I prioritize self care in addition to Netflix entertainment.
  7. I make healthy choices regarding Netflix.
  8. I trust myself to find balance in Netflix viewing.
  9. I resist excessive Netflix watching.
  10. I set and stick to healthy boundaries with Netflix.
  11. I am mindful of Netflix's impact on my life.
  12. I am disciplined in my approach to Netflix.
  13. I avoid triggers for excessive Netflix use.
  14. I am committed to finding balance in my relationship with Netflix.
  15. I am proud of my conscious Netflix choices.

Number of Affirmations


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