Overcome Plastic Surgery Addiction

Appreciate innate beauty, sidestepping frequent surgical enhancements.

List of Affirmations

  1. I am in control, choosing self love and acceptance.
  2. Self love and acceptance are my right.
  3. My body's uniqueness is beautiful.
  4. I embrace my imperfections, letting go of perfectionism.
  5. Confident in my self love and acceptance.
  6. My health and well being are top priority over appearances.
  7. Self love and acceptance have power.
  8. I am thankful for my body's abilities.
  9. I treat my body kindly and with respect.
  10. I deserve to feel beautiful in my own skin.
  11. I trust in making healthy choices for myself.
  12. I embrace and am grateful for my unique features.
  13. I prioritize self care and reject altering my body.
  14. I am strong, overcoming my plastic surgery addiction.
  15. I am capable of positive change.

Number of Affirmations


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