Overcome Snapchat Addiction

Live beyond fleeting snaps, cherishing genuine memories.

List of Affirmations

  1. I control my actions and limit Snapchat use.
  2. I am worthy of self care and setting boundaries for well being.
  3. I find joy and fulfillment outside Snapchat.
  4. I resist constant Snapchat checking.
  5. I am confident in breaking excessive Snapchat use.
  6. I am proud of taking steps towards a healthier tech relationship.
  7. I trust in making positive changes.
  8. I control my thoughts and focus on the present.
  9. I am enough without constant validation on Snapchat.
  10. I commit to improving my mental and emotional well being.
  11. I am strong and can overcome this addiction.
  12. I am proud of taking steps toward a better future.
  13. I am worthy of a fulfilling and balanced life.
  14. I find joy and contentment without constant stimulation from Snapchat.
  15. I trust my ability to make positive changes and overcome this addiction.

Number of Affirmations


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