Overcome Instagram Addiction

Redefine online habits, fostering a life beyond filters and likes.

List of Affirmations

  1. I control my time and actions.
  2. I disconnect and seek fulfillment elsewhere.
  3. I focus on the present.
  4. I am enough without social media validation.
  5. I am proud of my accomplishments, regardless of likes.
  6. I trust in my worth and value.
  7. I form real world connections.
  8. I find inspiration and creativity outside Instagram.
  9. I set boundaries and stick to them.
  10. I prioritize well being over social media validation.
  11. I find joy in simple things.
  12. I am enough as I am.
  13. I focus on personal growth and development.
  14. I achieve goals without social media.
  15. I prioritize physical and mental health.

Number of Affirmations


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