Anger Management

Channel fury, transforming it into constructive energy.

List of Affirmations

  1. Each day it is becoming more straightforward to dissipate my anger.
  2. Governing my anger comes naturally to me.
  3. I acknowledge angry emotions, without losing control.
  4. I am a constructive person whom others can rely on without apprehension.
  5. I am able to cool down and relax effortlessly.
  6. I am able to cool down and restrain my anger.
  7. I am able to exert self control.
  8. I am assertive, confident, and composed.
  9. I am commencing to efficiently manage my anger.
  10. I am in command.
  11. I am obtaining more and more control over my emotions.
  12. I am positive in whatever situation I am in.
  13. I can break free from anger and live a better life.
  14. I consistently express my thoughts instead of bottling up my frustrations.
  15. I consistently maintain serenity in challenging situations.

Number of Affirmations


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