Emotional Health

Foster a resilient heart, navigating life's emotional tides.

List of Affirmations

  1. With life, I'm content.
  2. I am happy with my life.
  3. I take life as it comes and enjoy it.
  4. I can create lasting partnerships.
  5. I overcome disturbing setbacks
  6. I am relaxed.
  7. I remain composed in challenging circumstances.
  8. I welcome advice from my peers.
  9. I have control over my feelings.
  10. I'll be stronger on the inside.
  11. I'll try to see the good in everything.
  12. I'll be content with what I have.
  13. My emotional health is improving.
  14. I'll be able to continue having good relationships.
  15. I'll have positive self esteem.

Number of Affirmations


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