Life of My Design

Craft a vision, steering life with intention and purpose.

List of Affirmations

  1. I am responsible for creating the life I want.
  2. I strive to be content and satisfied.
  3. I have faith in the path my life is taking.
  4. I radiate with affection and optimism.
  5. I excel in every aspect of my life.
  6. I am entitled to have plenty.
  7. I am appreciative of the good things in my life.
  8. I am self assured when making choices.
  9. I am mentally and emotionally robust.
  10. I am receptive to new chances.
  11. I am responsible for my own thoughts.
  12. I am surrounded by people who encourage me.
  13. I rely on the universe to steer me in the right direction.
  14. I am at peace within myself.
  15. I am able to accomplish my aspirations.

Number of Affirmations


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