Let Your Emotions Out

Release pent-up feelings, letting the heart's rivers flow freely.

List of Affirmations

  1. I'm always expressing my feelings.
  2. I am open with others about my feelings.
  3. I always voice my opinion.
  4. I exhibit my true self to the world
  5. I make myself open to others.
  6. I advocate for myself.
  7. I am in touch with my most intense feelings.
  8. I advocate for what I hold dear.
  9. I am honest with my loved ones and close pals.
  10. I'm becoming a person who is brave to be themselves.
  11. I can express my emotions to other people easily.
  12. I'll constantly speak out for myself.
  13. I am gaining the confidence to present the true me to others.
  14. I always share my honest opinion.
  15. I feel great after expressing my emotions.

Number of Affirmations


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